Monday, 9 February 2009

Docs to Docs

An apple a day will not keep this doctor away! They've already managed to conquer most of London and are slowly invading the north; it seems Doctor Martens are all the rage this season.

Ever since the '70s, DMs have stamped their signature all over our fashion conciousness. Together with outrageous hair, punk was the original statement of these British classics but now they are restricted to a certain style no longer. Anyone can pull them off and they are a perfect finishing touch to any kind of ensemble. Daisy Lowe and Agness Deyn have certainly proved that.

So where oh where can you find such a pair? Well if you want a choice of all colours, shapes and sizes just check out the Docs' website. Prepared to pay full whack though, which starts around £55. Your best bet is to go fishing in the sea of vintage shops; they'll be cheaper and the 'wearing in' process will have already been done for you. Then there's e-bay ofcourse, which is where I got my bad boys from for less than 20 quid. Many thanks to the fashion gurus before us!

Waste no time. Get a-spending!

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