Tuesday, 28 April 2009

I never knew pigs flu

Finally the credit crunch seems to have taken a step back from the media this week and allowed us to all have a breather. But wait - there's a new problem that we apparently have to worry about; the 'swine flu', also known as deadly pig germs.

It was first discovered in Mexico, where it has been reported to have taken 80 -150 lives, (depending on which newspaper you chose to read, which makes me squint my eyes suspiciously) and now Britain claims to have 2 victims itself after a Scottish couple so kindly brought it back from their holiday in Mexico, probably in their hand luggage. Experts have predicted that this epidemic could potentially take the lives of 150 million human beings across the world.

It is admittedly a little daunting. One could wake up one morning with a sore throat and be dead by the time Coronation Street hits ITV at 7.30pm, or so it has been said... in so many words. But is it really a serious reason to start putting your house under quarantine just yet? I'm not so sure.

As with the credit crunch, we've all been there before; the bird flu for instance or mad cow disease which is slightly different, but worrying for all the same reasons. Society didn't go bonkers and run rampage back then, so there's definitely no need to start screaming in the streets that we're all gonna die. I'm not saying I do not believe this swine flu exists; I'm no medical expert. But I do believe as a Briton that we have no reason to be taking drastic measures if our throats start to tingle slightly either. Just avoid Mexico and the USA for a couple of months to let those poorly pigs get better.

And the good news is that you don't need to be passing off a beautiful bacon sarnie after a heavy night either; you cannot catch the flu from the meat its self. The virus is completely airborne and catchable from contimated areas. Where's the worry if you're thousands of miles away from an infected area? That's my way of thinking anyway. If you take my advice and are unlucky enough to catch the swine, then I shall take full responsibility. What do I know after all?