Monday, 19 January 2009


First they make us pay for higher education, then they put chips in our passports. A few months later they lead us into the biggest financial crisis of the century (OK OK so we've only been in this century for 9 years... but still!) And now they're trying to control when the party ends.

The men behind the curtain want to introduce noise control in clubs and bars so that when it hits a certain time, all music is VAMOOSHED!

Not cool. But you have the power to stop them in their tracks... just click the link below to get involved!

http://petitions. number10. gov. uk/NoNoiseControl/

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Let's talk minds

Get back on the writing. That's what I need to do. Some call it 'being emo' but I call it being able to express yourself and say what others do not have the balls to discuss.Why are people so afraid to talk about what really matters in their lives?

So I'm a little bit more 'in tune' if you will, with my emotions. So what? At least you can understand me and know what place in which you stand by me. That's more than I can say for some. Fuck all these mind games that mess people up; you gotta say it how it is.

Lack of communication can destroy the world. Look at the incident at Pearl Harbour or the September 11th disaster. OK... so America is not the world, but you know what I'm getting at; because people didn't listen to each other it forced radical actions to get attention. Actions that took the lives of innocent people who had nothing to do with the original stem of conflict which perhaps started between two individuals.And what were they trying to say? What are we all trying to say?

Here's what I'm saying: racism, cliques, taboos, stigmas, religion, etc etc. They are all a result of miscommunication. A misunderstanding of what we are about. First impressions for example are a big mistake. How on earth can you make a decision on whether or not you like a person from setting eyes on them for the first time? Putting on fronts, creating a reputation (for yourself or another), dressing a certain way, acting a certain way... they are all a recipe of deception. We need to be able to talk to one and other and express who we really are, how we really feel in order to truly be ourselves. If there is no doubt about what our positions are within the vicinity of others then there is a better chance that we all may have a slightly more peaceful existance.

I write this because I know myself that I make a judgement of someone or something before actually getting to know them or try it out. And I think about the people who chose not to like me because of who my friends are, or because of what they have heard, true or false. Of all the times I've hurt people or been hurt because things were not told straight from the start.

We all do it. And all I'm saying is why so scared/proud/embarassed? I've always said you cannot truly know a person for who they really are unless you can read minds. So let's try talking them for once.

Now that's a bit of emo cheese right there! Embarassed am I not.

Credit Crunch What?

Bring on the financial apocalypse if only to stop the propagation of this pointless dirge, this cacophony of crap, that seems designed only to drain all hope in these 'troubling times'. Times that, although troubling, are no worse than what mankind has faced in the past - just on this occasion we happen to be living in them.

Was James Joyce sipping champagne in the South of France on a sun-lounger when he finished Finnegan's Wake? No. He was broke, bitter and going blind. Was Vincent Van Gough financially, or more mentally sound when creating his beautiful works of art? No. He was hearing voices and cut off his own ear. Shakespeare didn't make enough money in his whole lifetime to keep himself in tights.

Think of these 'economically uncertain times' as an opportunity and not an obstacle to get creative and persue all your dreams now. There are so many gaps in the markets waiting to be plugged or areas you can force your way into. Let the stockbrokers carry on slitting their wrists and let bankers carry on being constipated lenders. Money is not the be all and end all of the world.

Surf the tsunami of fear that is taking over the media and go out and be creative. There's rarely been a better time.